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Services Offered(Details Of home page tab) 

A small list of the general things I look for while editing a Manuscript, or Query Letter. (Not all are mentioned.) 

Proper Format 

-Query Letter- How to use the proper formula for a successful query,(hook/book/cook). What is needed in each section,(and ex of each if needed).
 -Manuscript- The proper Format- Font/structure/Spacing/etc.


-How to fix pacing errors, (if your story is dragging, or too rushed). 
-How to tell if your story is REALLY starting in the right place.                                                               -Identifying repeated, or filler words. 

Word Count 

-According to Genre/age category. 
-How to tell if your manuscript is in the CORRECT genre/ age category. 

-Show vs Tell,(tips on spotting each and when to use them. BOTH of them can be used to enhance the story).
 -Fact Checking, (details of your story: time era, clothes, etc). 
-Info Dumps- How to properly feed your readers critical information without bogging down the pacing/boring the reader. 

-Character Critique- How to properly construct/ write a story arc for EACH of your characters. 
-Spotting Filler- whether it is individual words that need cut to tighten a sentence, or chunks of the text that are unnecessary and do not belong! 
-Line Edits- When to indent, light grammar editing, sentence structure, repeated words/phrases, POV/tense shift, etc. Along with so many other small things. 

Final Thoughts 

While editing I will provide very thorough notes within the document containing the manuscript. As well as often providing examples/ ideas of how to fix the plot holes, and inconsistencies within the text. 
-If by the time the editorial notes are returned to the author and they still have questions, I would love to continue helping them brainstorm and think of ways to complete their novel. 
**Of course all final changes, and edits made for the manuscript rest with the author I simply will offer my opinion/and knowledge as tips to help! 

Time Frame of Edits 

I generally am a very quick reader, therefore once I I have returned the 5 page sampler to my client and have received payment for the rest of the MS I will then return the FULL COMPLETED manuscript within 14 days of the starting date given to the client. 
**(It does not always take this long, it depends on how booked my schedule is but it will not take longer than the time frame given here.)**

*** I do not offer refunds for completed manuscript edits. However, I would always be willing to communicate with the author, and work with them to settle any miscommunications or help to clear up any questions or concerns regarding any work performed. 
If you have questions about my offered services, don’t hesitate to contact me. You may do so by 

-Twitter/Instagram: @KylieLynne_Edit 
-Email: (in subject line please add “Developmental Edit”).

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